Hobbitstee Purebred Toggenburg and Alpine Goats

Bird Friendly Cities

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Dark Eyed Junco

Hobbitstee has joined Nature Canada in their effort to create Bird Friendly Cities.

We are excited to be able to contribute to reducing bird mortality and injuries as well increasing urban bird habitat and awareness of birds among citizens.

Some of the key focus factors to making cities bird friendly will be:

  • Key threats to birds are effectively mitigated
  • Nature is restored so native bird populations can thrive
  • Residents are actively engaged in admiring and monitoring local bird populations
  • Birds are celebrated through events such as World Migratory Bird Day
  • Progressive municipal policies are created to protect urban bird populations
  • A Bird Team has been created to oversee and lead these initiatives
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    Mourning Dove injured by a cat

    Ways you can help

  • Reducing the likelihood of birds hitting your windows
  • Keeping your cats indoors
  • Regularly cleaning your bird feeders to prevent transmission of bird feeder related diseases
  • Planting native species of plants, shrubs and trees in your yard beneficial to birds
  • Participating in bird related citizens science
  • Get involved with our Team Hobbitstee - Project Birdfeeder as a business, volunteer or longterm care facility and help provide well stocked bird feeders and endless hours of viwing pleasure to longterm care facility residents.

    Please support our effort and join the discussion on Facebook by joining Bird Friendly Cities - Team Hobbitstee

    We hope to add more resources and events soon, so stay tuned...

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    Yellow Warbler rercovering from a window strike